This is a story about a little mouse [punctuation]
Oh, not an ordinary mouse,
That finds his shield [huh?]
in the woods or the field [punctuation]
Or maybe even in your house [punctuation]
Tom, Tom didn’t just live anywhere, [don’t repeat the name]
He chose his hiding place with much care [punctuation]
The Grand Central Restaurant,
Is the best any mouse could want,
And Tom sure liked living there.
Each and every eve,
Just after the cook took his leave,
Tom would come out
Eat cheese, potatous, [sp] trout
And just a little beef [punctuation; forced rhyme, doesn’t work]
But Christmas, Tom held most dear, [punctuation]
There was a party every year, [punctuation]
The cook cooked his very best,
The waitress wore a flower on her chest,
And all of it happened right here [punctuation]
When Christmas was still a week, [huh?]
Tom was hungry, and food he wanted to seek [punctuation; awkward]
But the cook was still cooking
And the waitress could be looking, [punctuation]
If she saw him, she would surely shriek [punctuation]
The hunger he just couldn’t stand
And food was oh so close at hand [punctuation]
Over the shelf, behind the dishes,
Down onto the table with the fishes
He followed his route as planned [punctuation]
Just when he was nibbling something off the plate
That thing happened, of which he was most afraid [forced; awkward; punctuation]
Tom, hungry as he had been,
Didn’t see the waitress come in.
But she’d seen him and her reaction didn’t wait [punctuation]
“MOUSE, MOUSE!” she screamed very loud [punctuation; does not rhyme with shout and out]
The guests in the restaurant heard her shout [punctuation]
Women climbing chairs, yelling terrified [punctuation]
Men picking up their knifes, looking petrified [punctuation]
Others were just running out.
“If only I had seen that mouse,” the cook began. [punctuation]
“I would have chopped off his head and fried him in a pan.”
“If only I had seen that mouse,” said the head waiter. [punctuation]
“I would have taken my tray and smashed him little later.”
But only the waitress had seen him before he ran.
Tom had gone back into his hiding hole, [doesn’t rhyme]
Behind the fridge, in the wall
But the damage had been done.
After most of the panic was gone
The restaurant manager called them all [punctuation]
“This is very serious,” the manager began.
“I know,” grumped the cook with his frying pan [punctuation]
“I know,” said the head waiter, with a dignified nod [punctuation]
“I know,” peeped the waitress, still shaking on the spot [punctuation; doesn’t rhyme]
“We can’t stay open, there is no way we can.” [good stanza]
Hearing this, Tom turned suddenly very cold, [punctuation]
No Christmas this year, and all his fault [punctuation; doesn’t rhyme]
He would have to try his best,
To save Chrismas for every guest
And wat he did next was very bold [punctuation]
He stepped onto the middle of the table
And just before the cook was able
To smash him with his frying pan
As only very good cooks can
The manager screamed STOP, quite formidable [punctuation; doesn’t rhyme]
Tom was still shaking slight, [punctuation]
The managers yell had given him quite a fright.
He thought of what best to do,
now that he wasn’t smashed in two, [clever]
And found the following would be right.
Tom said: “I wonder why,
I cannot be your ally.”
“That is a great idea,
It should have been made by me,”
The manager said in reply
So they started of with this idea
And you can take it from me
That there are only very few
That know more about food than Tom knew
What a Christmas this should be.
They put a Christmas tree in the hall,
And tinsels up on the wall,
They served the most delicious food
The guests couldn’t remember it ever being this good
And Christmas at the restaurant was saved after all.
A simple rhyming Christmas story is very difficult; the rhyme structure and meter you’ve attempted here is not simple. In several places you force the rhyme or the meter and the continuity of the story suffers. It gets a little confusing toward the middle. I’m not sure why the manager is suddenly wanting the mouse to help. We need more motivation. Why do the people need the mouse to help them to decorate for Christmas? Also, it seems the few decorations would not be enough to get the customers to come back.
What I liked best: The mouse. You’ve got an okay story line—a mouse is hungry, scares the staff and customers, then saves Christmas.
Magazine ready? No. It needs quite a bit of work, but with time and effort I could see this idea being developed into a picture book.
I vote for this one. I love animal stories.