Scheduling Dilemma

There were 27 entries to our Christmas story contest. 27! That is just amazing and I’m very happy that so many of you decided to participate.

However, it does create a bit of a scheduling dilemma for me. Since it will take quite some time for me to give each of these entries a serious read and to prepare my comments on each one, I will not be answering any questions here until after the contest is over and I’ve commented on each post.

Also, there’s my “day job” and that whole Christmas thing which seems to be taking up a bit of my time…

But please, keep coming back to read the comments of others. And just because you’ve cast your vote, that doesn’t mean you can’t comment on the other stories. Tell us what worked for you, what didn’t work, what you might have done differently. (But be nice.) Remember, each comment gives you an entry into the December book contest.