Title: A Banner Is Unfurled: Glory from On High (vol. 3)
Author: Marci Gallacher & Kerri Robinson
Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.
Release Date: March 2008
Size: Hardback
Genre: Historical
Series: A Banner Is Unfurled (vol. 1); Be Still My Soul (vol. 2)
As the walls of the Kirtland temple rise in splendor, opposition rages within and without the Johnson home. Multiple tragedies strike Ezekiel and Julia’s family, threatening to rip relationships apart at the roots. Threats from Church antagonists mingle with contention and suspicion simmering amongst the brethren themselves. And not even the Prophet can escape the specter of illness hanging over the city. Will the faith of the Johnsons flounder, or flourish?
Thankfully, there are times of rejoicing amidst the struggle: births and marriages, baptisms and blessings. The beloved temple is dedicated, ushering in great manifestations of the Spirit. Kirtland is riddled with debt and doubt, but rich in revelation. Even Ezekiel Johnson’s heart is touched—yet escalating dangers may widen the division between him and Julia.
Join the Johnsons as they test the strength of faith and the resilience of love, with the white walls of the Lord’s house as a backdrop, shining with glory from on high.