LDSToolbar & Sustain This

I’m having a little trouble getting back into the post-vacation groove. I apologize. Hopefully, I will be caught up and back on track by Tuesday (taking Labor Day off).

As I was reading through the e-mails sent to LDSP while I was gone, I found one inviting me to participate in LDSToolbar. I added it to my browser and it seems to be working great. It’s really kind of cool because it links specifically to LDS sites—including LDS publishers (well, one so far) and to yours truly.

LDSToolbar is not real good with the instructions. Fortunately, when I clicked on the Install Toolbar icon, everything worked just fine.

There was also a link from there to—which works sort of like digg and kirtsy. You vote on blogs and other sites that you think are extra cool. I tried to add the code to this blog but the instructions either weren’t correct or Blogger just didn’t like me at the moment because I kept getting an error message. (If any of you have been able to install this on your Blogger blog, send me details.)

So, what do these two things have to do with being an LDS author? MORE EXPOSURE!

It’s all about name recognition, getting yourself out there and getting noticed. These are just two more avenues to help you do that.

2 thoughts on “LDSToolbar & Sustain This”

  1. Thanks for the tip! I went ahead and installed the toolbar and I really like it. It has links to a lot of resources I already use, and many more that I didn’t know about it.

  2. I haven't heard of these before. I'm going to check them out & have my computer-guru hubby install them on my blog/toolbar. Thanks!

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