The Hometown Weekly by Bruce Lindsay

Title: The Hometown Weekly: Good News for a Change

Author: Bruce Lindsay

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: September, 2008

ISBN: 978-1598116007

Size: Softcover

Genre: General

Ripped gently from the headlines of The Parley’s Progress, the outstanding weekly newspaper of the 87th largest city in Utah, comes an abundance of good news. After more than thirty years of being asked the same question-“Why don’t you give us some good news for a change?”-veteran television news anchor Bruce Lindsay obliges us with humorous and heartwarming stories from the idyllic town that we believe we grew up in-or wished we did.

Inspired from the stories found in real small-town newspapers, Bruce Lindsay introduces us to the down-to-earth, foible-filled characters from Parley’s Grove-folks who can make the mundane mesmerizing and the absurd endearing. Warm, poignant, and always hilarious, these affectionate vignettes of small-town life will help you remember who you are and where you’re from.