Christmas Compilation Book

I just sent e-mails to the authors whose stories have been chosen for inclusion in the Christmas Story Compilation. If your name is listed below, check your e-mail. Let me know if you did not receive the email.

  • Angie Lofthouse
  • Brian C Ricks
  • Christine Thackerey
  • Don Carey
  • Gussie Fick
  • Janice Sperry
  • Lori Nawyn
  • LT Elliot
  • Mary Gray
  • Melanie Goldmund
  • Roger Bonner
  • Sandra Sorenson
  • Sarah M Eden
  • Tristi Pinkston

Also, if you are the author of

The Cat Who Ate the Quiche


A 13th Century Village in Wiltshire, England

contact me ASAP!

5 thoughts on “Christmas Compilation Book”

  1. In case you don't receive my email for any reason, "A Thirteenth Century Village in Wiltshire, England", was written by Joyce DiPastena. Conatct at jdipastenaATtheriverDOTcom.

  2. Congrats to the winners. I haven't had time to go back and check to see who wrote what. It's nice to see a list of the winners.

  3. I agree. Congratulations to everyone and I hope the compilation has much success.


  4. Congrats to the winners!
    Especially to my friends Tristi a Lori!
    I wasn't able to enter this year, maybe next.
    Good job guys!

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