Send Your Stinkin’ Story Already!

I had planned to start posting Christmas stories today (I’m now up to 8 submissions) but since voting is nearly two weeks away, I think I’ll hold off until next week.

Submissions are low and I was trying to determine why that is and came up with this:

  1. You aren’t inspired to write about Christmas in the summer time—to which I say, deal with it because most seasonal books/magazines are like this, calling for submissions out of season
  2. You are intimidated because the prize is publication—to which I say, suck it up because if you want to be published you have to get past that and I promise to be gentle when I tell you your story didn’t make the cut
  3. You hate me, think I’m a loser, think my book idea stinks, and you’re trying to make my life miserable—to which I say, grow up and send your stinkin’ story because chances are you’re going to hate your publisher/editor/agent at one time or another.

Whatever the reason, get with it and write, polish and submit.

The clock’s a-ticking!

7 thoughts on “Send Your Stinkin’ Story Already!”

  1. It is kind of hard to think about Christmas in the summer time, but my issue is that the rules have changed for me now that I've gone from unpublished to published status. (Yay!) Or I sort of have. I have a contract now and my book won't come out for 18 more months but I think that makes me published. And my head is spinning with all this business of writing stuff I have to figure out now. However, if I can think of a fun story that is true to my genre, then I'll sort through the technicalities and see if my publisher gives me permission, etc.

    Whew. This is more complicated than it used to be. But I'm not complaining!

  2. .

    Actually, in my case, it's because I'm writing two novellas, three magazine articles, and maintaining three blogs this summer. Something had to give….

    If it makes you feel better, I did outline a story.

  3. I'm in!

    I had to wait for a slot to open up in my writing schedule, and that happened today. I'm now a third of the way through a rough draft, although I must admit with a forecast of 101 for the day, getting in the Holiday Spirit has taken some effort. It'll come, though.

    Also, what good is a deadline if the writing doesn't smack up against it? Yeah, I didn't think you wanted to hear that…

  4. I wonder every year when I'm reading the stories what the best submission strategy is. Do you want to be last, or first? Stuck in the middle of the pack is no good, of course. And what if you decide that last would be best, but then everyone else does, too, so you don't submit late _enough_? Esp. if it's too late to be first.

    Decisions, decisions…

  5. I'm having trouble with the title of my submission. I started writing my story with a patriot twist and the first title that came to mind was The Red Coat that Stole Washington's Christmas. When that bombed with my critique group I came back the next week with Betsy Ross: Naughty or Nice? They told me it would be rejected. The contest was for fiction, not documentary. Unless my name was Al Gore and I could get away with writing Fictionalized Documentary.

    I went back to my original draft and came up with All I want for the Fourth of July are my Two Front Teeth, but since the corn isn't on just yet, I didn't think I could do the resarch for this one. I tried the Twelve Days of Bar-B-Q-ing and burnt everything. And Oh my Little Town of Gettysberg was totally the wrong war or the wrong holiday, I'm not sure which.

    If you really want a story from me you're gonna have to do more than grovel. Try filling my Paul Revere boots with cotten candy and maybe kissing a photo of George Washington under the mistletoe.

    I think I'll go with I'm Dreaming of a Red, White and Blue Christmas. Now all I have to do is finish reading this how-to book on writing fiction (Fiction for Dummies) and then I'll send you what I end up with.


    How much does this gig pay, anyway?

  6. So, if I submit, win a spot, and get published, does that mean I find out who you are? lol.

    Hope you don't ban me for my curiosity!

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