CFI Looking for Manuscripts

NOTE: I received the following e-mail from Cedar Fort and I’m happy to post it here, as requested. I just want to make clear that this is NOT an endorsement of Cedar Fort by LDS Publisher. I am committed to staying neutral when it comes to recommending publishers. It is YOUR responsibility to do your research, talk to other authors, and determine which publisher is a good fit for your personality, needs and story.

Hello LDS Publisher,

My name is Jennifer Fielding and I am the Acquisitions Manager at Cedar Fort. In an effort to compete more effectively in the national market, we are working harder than ever to acquire manuscripts to fill our production needs so that we have a full schedule that is one year out. While having to wait longer for your books to be published in not the most exciting news for an author, it is so important for marketing in the national market to be that far out that it will positively be worth the wait. The average national buyer needs at least 6 months from the time they are presented our titles in person, to the time those books hit their shelves to get their stores ready to receive the stock, set up the ebook purchase option on the their website, organize signings, etc. By getting a year out in our schedule, leading up to those six months, our marketing team can help our authors build a recognizable web presence and following so that the buyers have an even greater incentive to bet on our books.

Since many of your followers are Cedar Fort authors already, and all of them are interested in publishing, I wondered if you would be interested in posting a list of the topics we are currently looking for to help fill our schedule? This is not an exclusive list but these are certainly topics that will catch our immediate interest in acquisitions:

  • Prayer
  • The Book of Mormon
  • The Doctrine & Covenants
  • Church History
  • Mother’s Day: short stories and gift books
  • General Nonfiction
  • LDS Nonfiction
  • Historical Fiction
  • LDS fiction
  • Social and Behavioral Issues (i.e. Asperger’s, ADHD, suicide, eating disorders, body image) both nonfiction and fiction

All submissions should be mailed to our office at the address below, attention: Acquisitions. Please also include our Manuscript Submissions Form, as found on our website

Thank you for your time,

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