Fire Gate by Pendragon Inman

In a world where a Mystic’s torn flesh is worth more than six month’s wages and death-auctions are whispered about in every Okoru city, seventeen-year-old Mystic twins, Wyan and Lor, are determined to change it all—and survive.

Despite straining beyond his physical limits (not to mention his all ready thin patience), Wyan never inherited his Mystic abilities, and so mastery of Lor’s element would mean sanctuary for both of them. But when Lor’s plan unravels, Wyan is forced to take action on his own before the last of their kind—and his family—are sold to their graves.

Within a land of unforgiving Fire and Ice, Wyan must find the one ally and master-warrior he never would have trusted before: himself.

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Title: Fire Gate (Shenehah Saga, book 1)

Author: Pendragon Inman

Publisher: Self

Release Date: April 9, 2012

ISBN: 978-1468038019

Size: 356 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, softcover

Genre: YA Dystopian