And…it’s done! The 2012 Summer Book Trek is over. A GINORMOUS thank you to all participants and sponsors!
Here are a few short stats:
- Number of Entries to Win = 1717
- Number of Books Read =147
- Number of Books Nominated for Whitney Award = 35
- Number of Prizes Given Away = 45, so far…
There were four extra prizes that are now up for grabs. They are:
- Become (ebook) – Ali Cross
- The Haunted (ebook) – Michaelbrent Collings
- No Going Back (print or ebook) – Jonathan Langford
- Wasatch (print or ebook) – Douglas Thayer
I’m grouping them all together so ONE WINNER will get all four books! This is open to ANYONE (not just Summer Book Trek participants).
The Winner: Kate P
I had a lot of fun discovering new books and authors on the Summer Book Trek. Thanks for the challenge!
So I have been hesitant to ask, the whole gift horse mouth thing, but I thought I might not be the only one. I never received either of my prizes from the book trek. Am I just unlucky or should I investigate whether my mail lady is literary and confiscating my prizes? I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, just not sure what to do.
Please do this again!
I REALLY enjoyed being a part of it!
I know this comment is a little late…But it is the month of GRATITUDE and so I am acknowledging my gratitude for this great site and all the great things you do 🙂