Title: Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show
Author: eds. Edmund R. Schubert and Orson Scott Card
Publisher: TOR Books
Release Date: August 5, 2008
ISBN: 978-0765320001
Size: 432 pages, 5.5×8″ softcover
Genre: Fantasy
This is a collection of short stories, and therefore not eligible for a Whitney Award. LDS authors featured in this anthology are Orson Scott Card, David Farland, Eric James
Stone, and Scott M. Roberts.
Bestselling writer Orson Scott Card founded the online magazine Intergalactic Medicine Show in 2006. It has been a big success, drawing submissions from well-known sf and fantasy writers, as well as fostering some amazing new talents. This collection contains some of the best of those stories from the past year.
There is fiction from David Farber, Tim Pratt, and David Lubar among others, also four new Ender’s Game universe stories by Card himself. This collection is sure to appeal to Card’s fans, and be a great ambassador to them for these other talented writers.