Title: Singer of Lies
Author Michael R. Collings
Publisher: Borgo Press
Release Date: September 28, 2009
ISBN: 978-1434457103
Size: 242 pages, 6×9, softcover
Genre: Speculative
He is young and intelligent and highly trained. He is Erik Baanfeld-shipwrecked on a long-forgotten Colony world, where brawn and brute strength are more valued than knowledge. Physically untrained, and emotionally unprepared in the barest skills of survival, he seems compelled to spend a short and very unpleasant life as a half-naked savage worked like a beast of burden, on a world so sunk into barbarism that its inhabitants have no concept of the wheel. It’s either that-or die! His only possible chance, his only hope of becoming one with the Folk, is to become a singer-and not just any singer, but a Singer of Lies!