Turning Hearts by Deanne Blackhurst

Title: Turning Hearts

Author: Deanne Blackhurst

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: April 2010

ISBN: 978-1-59811-541-3

Size: 180 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: General/Womens

“Jake and I have called off the wedding.” “Amanda’s mother, doing dishes at the sink, froze at Amanda’s words. Her father stared at her in dismay. “But why?” her mother asked. “You both seem so happy together.” “Is it a worthiness issue?” her father turned a grim eye on Jake, who blushed. “No, sir,” he said. “It’s nothing like that.” “Then why?” her mother repeated. Amanda took a deep breath. “Because I’m going on a mission.”

Amanda knows there’s a certain family out there that needs the gospel—and she also knows she’s the one who’s supposed to bring it to them. Her recurring dream makes it seem urgent—the dream with the shiny gold frame and the vaguely familiar faces smiling down at her. The dream in which her grandmother says, “You must find them. You’re the only one who can.”

When Amanda gets to California and starts teaching, she wonders which family she was sent there to find. What happens next is something she never would have expected.

Turning Hearts is an inspiring story of faith, love, and the bittersweet struggles of missionary work that you won’t want to miss.

5 thoughts on “Turning Hearts by Deanne Blackhurst”

  1. That sounds so awesome. I have a cousin her is a girl who just left and knew it was the right thing for her. Sounds like something wonderful.

  2. I just finished reading this book and loved it. It was a very inspiring read that just made me feel good. I didn't serve a mission- but it made me wish I had. What a fun book!

  3. It is incorrect doctrine to believe that a woman should put off the prospect of a happy marriage for a mission.

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