Extended Hiatus

Hi. Yes. I’m still alive. Both my personal and professional lives have had major upheaval lately. The red line went all the way to the end on this stress test (and they didn’t even ask about some of the biggest stresses in my life).

I’ve spent the past month thinking I could get to a post “tomorrow”. . . and you can see how well that’s working out for me.

So, after much thought, I’m going to discontinue this blog for awhile. I’m leaving it up for browsing. And you never know, I may suddenly become inspired and decide to do the daily blog thing again. Who knows?

To wrap up a few things:

  1. Yes. I will still publish the Book of Mormon stories anthology. I’m just way behind schedule. I can’t give you a date but I’ll make announcememts here. (Put me on your Google Reader and you’ll be notified.)
  2. I will still keep the LDS Fiction blog going. I’m a little behind on new releases right now, but will get it caught up soon. And yes, I will still be coordinating sponsors for prizes on that site.
  3. LDS FICTION SPONSORS: Since June is half over, I’m shifting everyone back one month. June sponsors will be in July; July sponsors in August, etc.
  4. LDSP SPONSORS: If you’ve signed up to sponsor the LDS Publisher site, you may transfer that sponsorship over to the LDS Fiction site; I will do as many as four books a month. You must email me at ldspublisher at gmail dot com if you want to do that. It will not be automatic. If I don’t hear from you, I will assume you no longer want to sponsor.
  5. CONTEST & EVENTS: I’ll continue to post these as you send the information to me, but give me a full week’s notice. I’ll only be updating those sites once a week.
  6. AUTHOR NETWORK: I’ll continue to work on this one, as I have time. Don’t expect a lot of action.

19 thoughts on “Extended Hiatus”

  1. I'm sorry to hear things are not going smoothly for you. (I just took the stress test, it confirms my high stress, too)

    I haven't been a dedicated reader here, but I have enjoyed reading the posts over time. Hope you make it back one day. =)

  2. Sorry you feel you can't continue this at the moment, and I hope things get better for you soon!

  3. This is a great resource, and I've really appreciated your insights into the world of LDS Publishing. May good things come your way soon!

  4. We will keep you in our prayers and I know good things will again come your way 🙂

  5. I just took the stress test…. my computer exploded…. what do you suppose that means?

    Sorry you're stepping back, but don't blame you one bit. We'll keep good thoughts for you over here and hope to see you back soon.


  6. I just wanted to tell you how much I have appreciated your blog. Thank you and I hope everything works out for you.

  7. I hope your stress level goes down. It is never great to have lots of stress. Have a great day.

  8. It is not fun to be stressed! I hope things start to get better for you soon. I just want to thank you for all the work you do on this blog. It really is such a nice place to come to find information. I especially appreciate the LDS fiction blog, and how you keep up with all the LDS fiction releases. It is hard to run around on Convenant, Deseret Book, Cedar Fort, and other small random LDS publishers to see what they have coming up next, and most of them don't have up to date or good new release or upcomming title lists anyway. So thanks for your work on listing all the LDS Fiction out there. You are awesome! I really appreciate it.

  9. Wow, I can't imagine the blogosphere without you, but I'm glad you're taking the needed time off. I hope things slow down a bit. Thank you for all the valuable information!

  10. Best of luck with destressification. And thanks for all the fine work you've contributed.

    I look forward to hearing more about the anthology and I think the LDS Fiction blog totally rocks.

  11. Way to let go. Good decision. Join the ranks of the liberated. The free. The normal. No more blogging! Yipee!

  12. Thanks so much for all your hard work on all these fabulous resources. I hope your life takes some less stressful turns soon.

  13. Are you not taking questions anymore, either? Like, if I were to email you a question, would you answer it in a reply email, or is the whole thing down now?

    I totally understand the stress thing. Stress is so not my favorite thing. But thanks for your awesome blog. I hope you come back. 🙂

  14. I think so many people can relate to feeling overwhelmed. Best wishes and thanks for all the great info. I've loved this blog and will really miss it.

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