Title: A Distant Shore (Shadows of Brierley Series, book 3)
Author: Anita Stansfield
Publisher: Covenant
Release Date: August 12, 2011
ISBN: 978-1608614509
Size: 240 pages, 6×9, softcover
Genre: Historical Romance
Shadows of Brierley Series: The Wanderer (book 1), A Far Horizon (book 2)
Wren opened her hand, and Ian could see a long, simple silver chain with a key on it. She lifted the chain into both hands and put it over Ian’s head, then she held the key up in front of his face. This already belongs t’ ye. It’s yer key t’ the front door of our home. Its literal purpose is to open that door when ye come back, but I want ye t’ wear it and not take it off until ye’re able to use it again. When ye see it, when ye feel it next t’ yer heart, I want ye t’ think of home, but I also want ye t’ remember that this is also the key t’ my heart. Ye’ve had my heart for many years, Ian Brierley, and ye’ll have it forever.
The year is 1842, and it is late spring in Nauvoo. Ian and Wren Brierley have settled into their new home and are enjoying the blessings of the gospel and the companionship of the Saints. Their joy seems full to overflowing as they eagerly anticipate the birth of a new baby. The future couldn t look brighter, until Joseph Smith pays a visit to their home with a message destined to change their lives and challenge their faith.
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