Title: Roxanne In La La Land
Author: L.A. DeVaul
Publisher: WiDo Publishing
Release Date: October 18, 2011
ISBN: 978-0979607066
Size: 220 pages, 5×8, paperback
Genre: Romance
“Love and success, isn’t that what every girl wants? At eighteen, I moved to Southern California, hoping to find it. And I did, eventually…but nothing like I expected.”
New to Los Angeles, Roxanne Donally spends her days dressing indecent mannequins, and her nights drawing pictures of her cat, Danny Boy. Definitely the wrong way to find stardom, or Prince Charming either, for that matter . . . .
“But forget love, I am pursuing my dream to become a famous movie star. I moved to L.A. to be successful, and be successful I will. I m just not getting any parts yet. Which totally sucks. Success is the only thing I really want in life. Besides love. Success and love. Sigh…”
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