Ten-year-old Chelsea Tennyson decides to take matters into her own hands and prove once and for all if an invisible God is really there.
Chelsea’s dad, Prince Tennyson—the nickname he earned for being so dashing in uniform—died last year in the Iraq war. After a mental breakdown, her mother moves the family to live with their grandmother in Phoenix. But before long, it becomes clear the entire family is suffering the loss of a man who was pivotal in the shaping of their lives. Her mom doesn’t believe God exists anymore, but Chelsea is afraid to believe it too, because if He doesn’t exist then she’ll never see her prince again…
Title: Prince Tennyson
Author: Jenni James
Publisher: StoneHouse Ink
Release Date: April 16, 2012
ASIN: B007V512OA
Size: 126 pages, ebook
Genre: Middle Grade