Since the Storymakers Conference isn’t all about me, here are more photos from the past few conferences that I gleaned from the Interwebs.

A nice writerly-looking man, Jaclyn M. Hawkes, Jessica Day George

A Nice Woman, James Dashner, Another Nice Woman

David J West, Tamara Hart Heiner, Melissa J Cunningham, Mary Gray

Deirdra Eden Coppel and J Scott Savage (the author formerly known as Jeff)

Susan Law Corpany Curtis, Janette Rallison, Sarah M Eden
Gregg Luke, James Dashner, Traci Hunter Abramson, Abel Keogh

David J West showing off his sword handling skillz
P.S. If you recognize some of the people I don’t, please post their names in the comments. Thanks.
In the third picture, the two women are Melissa J. Cunningham and Mary Gray. Fun times!