How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day by Rachel Aaron

We’re all busy. Incredibly busy. Finding time to write requires dedication and determination. For some of us, every precious writing minute counts! So how do we make those minutes the most productive? Here is what fantasy writer Rachel Aaron did.

When I started writing The Spirit War (Eli novel #4), I had a bit of a problem. I had a brand new baby and my life (like every new mother’s life) was constantly on the verge of shambles. I paid for a sitter four times a week so I could get some writing time, and I guarded these hours like a mama bear guards her cubs – with ferocity and hiker-mauling violence. To keep my schedule and make my deadlines, I needed to write 4000 words during each of these carefully arranged sessions. I thought this would be simple. After all, before I quit my job to write full time I’d been writing 2k a day in the three hours before work. Surely with 6 hours of baby free writing time, 4k a day would be nothing….

Read the rest of her article here.

How do you make your writing minutes count?

3 thoughts on “How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day by Rachel Aaron”

  1. I like her mini-outlining session before you start writing idea. That has really helped me. I also need to TURN OFF THE INTERNET while I write, so I separate writing and research. If I hit a snag, I put things in brackets, like [find a cool way to say this] or [what was the name of that place…] and then go back to it later when I’m not writing.

  2. I, like Karlene, have to ban myself from going online while writing. I also have started using the tool Write or Die by Dr. Wicked and I LOVE it. It helps me keep on track, lets me know when I’m writing a little slower and when I’m doing really well, and best of all prods me to keep writing when I feel like quitting. I really like her ideas about building enthusiasm. There are scenes I’ve HATED writing, and now that I stop to think about it, that probably means they aren’t working.

  3. I am now a huge fan of Rachel Aaron! This article could not have come at a better time. The tips, research, and advice Rachel gives in this article are pure gold. Thank you!

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