Adding Links to Reviews on LDS Fiction

A little self-congratulation here:

If you want more views and info on LDS fiction, Andrew Hall is starting a new feature on his Dawning of a Brighter Day blog. He will be doing “a weekly column covering the world of Mormon literature”—and linking to the book pages on my LDS Fiction blog. He will also post links to reviews for the books in the comments section on my blog. That way, you’ll have easy access to reviews of books that sound interesting to you.


Thanks, Andrew!

One thought on “Adding Links to Reviews on LDS Fiction”

  1. Thank you LDSP, gotta like synergy.
    The blog is not mine, it is the blog of the Association for Mormon Letters, a wonderful organization more people in the Mormon writing community should be aware of. Besides the blog (currently run by Jonathan Langford), they also publish the literary magazine Irreantum, dedicated to Mormon literature.

    Next week I will start posting my annual Mormon Literature Year in Review at the A Motley Vision blog. There will be three separate articles on national market books, Mormon market books, and poetry/short stories/literary non-fiction.

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