Remember how a million years ago (or three) we did that Summer Book Trek reading thing? Yeh, it’s vague in my mind too and apparently I lost some posts when I transferred from Blogger to here because I can’t find them…
But whatever. It was lots of fun. And we’re going to do it again August 1st through 31st.
That’s only 10 short days away so you have plenty of time to plan for it. Right?
Oh, and I’ll want sponsors. LOTS and LOTS of sponsors.
A REAL challenge button and detailed details will go up soon, but in the meantime, here’s the short list.
• Read as many (or few) books as you want but they MUST be by LDS authors.
• Bonus points if their book is on this site.
• Even more bonus points if the book is a 2012 release.
• And even more bonus points if you blog about what you’ve read.
Why do you care about bonus points? They earn you prizes!
• You need to be an LDS author (or publisher of an LDS author) and provide a book as your prize (print or ebook).
• You are responsible for sending the prize to the winner & decide where you’ll ship.
• Sponsors will get a spotlight post & be listed on a special sponsor page.
• I’d love to be able to give away a book or three every day. So the more the merrier. Help spread the word.
If you want to sponsor, contact me ASAP and I’ll email details by Wednesday.
Oh, and if you haven’t already done so, please go take my survey.