Title: The Adventures of Leaf Man & Other Short Tales
Author: Rebecca Shelley
Publisher: Wonder Realms
Release Date: June 30, 2011
Size: ebook
Genre: Childrens (Grades 4–6)
Short Story Collection. Not eligible for Whitney Award.
Adventures of Leaf Man: Created by Fairy Magic, Leaf Man only has one day to live. He dreams of all the adventures he can have, but instead spends his short time saving the life of a child. In so doing, he earns a sweet kind of immortality.
Mischief Monkeys: A short bedtime story.
Cats and Dogs Living Together: Mad scientist Uncle Marty moves in next door with five dogs and eight cats.
The Messy Room Mystery: Something keeps making a huge mess in the bedroom. Is it pixies, a tornado, or magic clothes come to life?
Mud Magic: Toops and Candie play in the magic mud.
The Hidden Treasure: Two friends seek the hidden treasure. One will find it, the other find nothing.
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