Need an LDS Writers Forum?

Hi, Publisher!

I’ve been following your blog for some weeks now, but I haven’t seen your name (or a moniker) anywhere mentioned, so I apologize if there is one. (LDSP is fine.)
I really enjoy your blogs and the info about LDS authors. I know how much work blogs are, so thank you for making the information available. (Thank you.)

I was wondering if you could recommend an LDS writers forum. I wrote a lot when I was in high school and university and I’m now looking to start again. I realize the importance of peer feedback and I’m looking for an online place for discussion, etc. If you have any recommendations, I’d appreciate that a lot.

Thank you!

Wow. Tough question. And Google is not my friend today.

There used to be an excellent LDS writer forum at, but I think it’s sort of gone by the wayside. (Does anyone know anything about this forum?)

There’s also Authors Incognito, but you have to attend one of the LDStorymakers Conferences to sign up for that one.

And there’s the Nauvoo Workshop for LDS Writers. I don’t really know anything about that one.

Readers, help!!

5 thoughts on “Need an LDS Writers Forum?”

  1. Hi. I’m the administrator/moderator for the Nauvoo Workshop for LDS Writers, which I talked Orson Scott Card into sponsoring on his website.

    I’ve been running a mostly (but not exclusively) science fiction/fantasy writers forum for him on his website, and it has gone very well. The LDS one, not so much. I can’t seem to figure out how to get people to participate more, so things are pretty slow there.

    I welcome any and everyone who is willing to give it a shot. I keep hoping that if we have enough people, things will start moving faster. Maybe LDS writers just don’t have time for a writers forum.

    If you have any questions about the Nauvoo Workshop for LDS Writers, or any ideas or suggestions on how we can get better participation, I’m anxious to talk about it.

    Thanks for mentioning it, LDS Publisher.

  2. Until last week, I was a member of LatterdayAuthors. We had some troubles with the site so we’ve moved to Mormon Writer Proboards at

    There are only 7 of us right now, but we’re open to new members. Right now, however, we don’t do very much in the way of critiquing of each others’ manuscripts. Mostly we just talk about our writing and encourage each other to get published someday.

    I am also a member of Authors by Design where we do have critique groups. There are two of us (Mormons) on the Writer’s Pen forum there.

  3. It’s not LDS, but you can get a lot of detailed feedback at You have to give critiques to post a work there, so people are happy to tell you what they think.

  4. ANWA (American Night Writer’s Association) has two online critique groups available to LDS authors. One meets online during the middle of the day, while the other meets in the evening. Both are held once a month. Membership fees to ANWA are required.

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