Banquet and Awards

On the Thursday evening after the show, there is a huge banquet. There’s always some type of fancy buffet where I usually have to ask the server what the food is. I’m not a gourmet eater by any stretch. But even if I don’t know what I’m eating, it’s always yummy.

After we eat, the outgoing president of the association is recognized and the incoming president and board of directors are introduced. Scholarships are awarded. Scholarship money is collected from donations. Association members, their children, grandchildren and employees can apply for the scholarships. They are selected by an independent group. This year, three $1,000 scholarships were given out.

Then comes the awards ceremony and program. I didn’t take notes, so I hope I get this right.

Awards of Excellence
Outstanding Booth Awards:
Lightstone (Liken) Studios

Retail Excellence: (chosen by Wholesalers)
Crowley’s Quad in Twin Falls, ID (small bookstore)
Moon’s Bookstore in Dallas, TX (large bookstore)

Wholesale Excellence: (chosen by Retailers)
Spring Creek Book Co. (small wholesaler)
Sounds of Zion (large wholesaler)

There were also awards for Outstanding Sideline Product, the Readers’ Choice Award and Exceptional Merit Award, but I can’t remember who got those. If anyone reading this remembers, let me know.