Convention Countdown–Day "Oh My Gosh!"

What a weekend! What a day! I cannot believe that I have to set up the booth tomorrow and the convention starts on Wednesday. Someone please pinch me and wake me up, so I can realize it’s only June and I still have plenty of time!

What? It really is convention week?

Oh dear.

So remember the 60 items we ordered from a particular store who promised they would be here today? We called to see when we could pick them up and (are you sitting down?), they said, and I quote, “You told us to cancel that order.”

WHAT?!!? We most definitely did not! So they are scrambling to get the order together for us by tomorrow.

Then I went by the printer’s to pick up our promo pieces. They said, and I quote, “Did you send us stuff over the weekend? Because our server went down and we don’t have any record of you sending us anything. What was it? A catalog or something?”

I am not making this up. It was actually two catalogs (sent a week ago), three product flyers (sent Friday), and some other miscellaneous aren’t-we-a-really-cool-company stuff (sent Saturday).

For those of you attending the convention, I will be the woman curled up in a fetal position in the corner of our booth, mumbling random thoughts and curses upon all the printers of the world.

Actually, that won’t be much of an indicator. Earlier today, I was bemoaning my situation to a collegue in another company and their day is going as well as mine. And then another colleague, from still another company, was having a worse day then both of us put together.

Oh well. At least I will have all my new books on display, creatively or otherwise.

2 thoughts on “Convention Countdown–Day "Oh My Gosh!"”

  1. Would you like a Xanax?
    I’ll share, you sound like you need it worse than I do at the moment!

  2. You made my day! I came home from convention really tired (but happy) and went to check my e-mail and there was your message. I laughed out loud. (And I never do that.)

    Thanks for the offer, but now that the convention has actually started, I’m much less stressed.

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