What Are Your Personal Favs?

What are some of your personal favorite LDS fiction books? What did you like about them?

I don’t feel comfortable answering that because I don’t really want to promote one LDS book over another.* But I’d love to have all of you blog readers answer that question.

In the comments trail, list your three favorite LDS books (with author names) and give us at least one specific reason that you liked them.

*I’m really just afraid it will give away my identity…and you know how paranoid I am about that, right?

5 thoughts on “What Are Your Personal Favs?”

  1. My favorite LDS fiction books, in no specific order:

    House of Secrets by Jeffrey Savage. I really like the character of Shandra Covington that Jeff has created. I also like thrillers, which is sparse in the LDS market.

    Pursuit of Justice and Race Against Time by Williard Boyd Gardner. Bill, again, creates great characters, which I can really feel for. He also writes LDS thriller novels. These books have a bit of a supernatural aspect to them, which I also like.

    Disoriented by Michael Ritchie. This is LDS science fiction, a genre also mostly absent from the LDS market. Some people have said this novel is garbage, but I really liked it. It’s a bit extra-doctrinal, and that’s maybe why it hasn’t done so well. Its publisher has also gone out of business, sadly. But for me, it was still a good read. Something bizarre and off the wall, which is what I like.

    Listing these three doesn’t mean that I don’t like other LDS fiction. I have other favorites, too, but these seemed to rise to the top of my list.


  2. My favorite three are (in no particular order):

    1) Gables Against the Sky – Anita Stansfield – I loved the adventure, the conflicts, and the love stories. The depth and complexity of characters are amazing. I also loved all of the other Gable books (ok, I love anything by Anita Stansfield).

    2) Lighting and the Storm, A Love Beyond Time, and Fire and Glory: A Millenial Story – Marsha Newman – This trilogy is amazing. They are older but definitely worth the effort of finding. The first one starts at the time of Joseph Smith and the last one ends after the Second Coming. The stories are very well crafted and I love the multiple love stories going on at the same time.

    3) To Have or to Hold – Josi Kilpack – I loved the tension between the characters and the story was exciting, entertaining, fun, and romantic.

    Andi 🙂

  3. Dang, Andi you made my day!! Thanks

    As for my choices, in no particular order and they change week to week among my top ten–3 is hard to pinpoint

    1–My Not So Fairy Tale Life by Julie Wright. Wonderful novel that is so unique and yet relative to our day. It’s YA, but a great read for any age. (DB 2005)

    2–Strength to Endure by Tristi Pinkston. Absolutely amazing story. Might be hard to find but worth the hunt.

    3–Prodigal Journey by Linda Adams. Also hard to find, but worth the search. I read this years ago and still find myself thinking about the story line. This is an LDS sci-fi book about the end of times.

  4. Well, gosh, I like those three books too. 🙂 Thanks, Josi. Oh, when in doubt on where to find a book, contact the author.

    My three favs, for now, right this minute, because it changes:

    1. Tempest Tossed by Josi Kilpack. No, I did not say that just because she complimented me!

    2. Lifted Up by Guy Morgan Galli.

    3. Faraway Child by Amy Maida Wadsworth.

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