Do you ever give potential authors a “second chance” by allowing them to revise a manuscript and resubmit it?
If so, does that happen very often?
Under what circumstances?
Once you receive that revised manuscript, does it have a better chance of being published?
No. I assume that the author is sending me their best work. If their best isn’t good enough, it’s unlikely they’ll be able to revise it enough to make it publishable. Usually, they’re better off starting fresh with a new story.
For fiction, if I like the story line and the writing is pretty good, but they have a secondary story line that doesn’t work, or maybe the age of the characters is off for the target audience, or something relatively minor. But it has to be pretty good to begin with. I’m more likely to offer a second chance on non-fiction, if the concept is really good.
Yes and no. It has a slightly better chance, in that there was something intriguing about the original submission. If I hadn’t liked it, I would have rejected. But after that, it has the same chance as any other submission.
This happened to me. The publisher really liked my manuscript, but it wasn’t quite right for their market. They gave me the chance to revise it to make it more targeted at their audience. I revised it and that revised manuscript was accepted.