You Like Me, You Really Like Me!

The Thoughtful Blogger Award is for those who answer blog comments, emails, and make their visitors feel at home on their blogs. For the people who take others’ feelings into consideration before speaking out and who are kind and courteous. Also for all of those bloggers who spend so much of their time helping other bloggers design, improve, and fix their sites. This award is for those generous bloggers who think of others.

Tristi gave me an award. That was very sweet and thoughtful of her. Maybe all those posts about blogging weren’t a waste of time after all.

It looks like now I’m supposed to pass this award along to others. I would give it to Tristi because she comments here a lot and is always trying to be helpful and answer questions from her perspective—but she already has it.

This is tough because a lot of you have been sweet and kind and helpful to each other here on this blog. I thought about it a long time. I’m awarding the Thoughtful Blogger Award to two blogs:

The gals at Writing on the Wall for all their specific help on developing writing as a craft. I check them out periodically and agree with their advice about 97% of the time.

Also to the gang at Six LDS Writers and a Frog for letting us share the ups and downs of a writers journey.

So someone from those two sites come get your award. Just copy and paste the image into your blog, then pass it along to someone else.

3 thoughts on “You Like Me, You Really Like Me!”

  1. I used all of your blogging advice and even had your page up while I set up my blog. So, yes, it was very helpful to me.

    I appreciate the time you take to answer questions and help us. I read your blog regularly, but you know that 🙂

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