What should an author expect from a publisher in the way of promotion?
In addition to what I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I made a few suggestions here and here.
What’s the best way to promote a book?
Depends on the book, the genre, the target audience. There are a few suggestions in the links above. But in addition to this, brainstorm. Look at what others are doing and adapt them to your situation. But don’t be a Nathan Newauthor. DISCUSS the possibilities with your publisher and TOGETHER decide what will work best.
Absolutely nothing. Then if you do get something beyond a book mark, an appointment to sign books at an empty bookstore where you get to “meet and greet” the employees who will be selling your books, then you can be gracious and thankful. But just for the sake of keeping your sanity and your sense of perspective there’s not much they can do for you. KSL ten o’clock news on the other hand can sell hundred of thousands of copies of your book if you’re willing to tie one around your neck and threaten to jump from the Utah One Center building. They’ll do anything to sccop the competitors who broadcast from the main street level of that building.
There’s isn’t a lot of money for that sort of stuff. Just be happy you have a book on the shelf and move on. And, of course, do all the free promotion stuff like book marks, author signings, blogs, website stuff, you know the drill. As far as investment of a lot of money in ads, that’s really pricy stuff and probably not worth the return the publisher is going to get from the sale of your book.
Good luck!