Blogger Award

Tristi gave me the Make My Day award.

Thank you.

Now I’m supposed to give this award to ten people. This is hard because in my guise as LDS Publisher, I confess, I do not visit anyone’s blog on a daily basis, or on any regular basis. (Personally, I visit a lot of you who have commented here. But that’s not relevant to this post.)

I’ve decided to give this award to the 10 bloggers who have commented here the most*—because your comments make my day, and they are also helpful to other readers.

Rebecca Talley

Tristi Pinkston (yes, I know she just gave it to me. Sue me.)


Melanie Goldmund



Marsha Ward

Paul West

Janet Jensen


Andi Sherwood

*Some people have commented more than the people on this list, but they don’t have a blog. Others with blogs haven’t commented as often.

Now, don’t you wish you 1) had a blog? and 2) commented more often?

(I expect to see a HUGE jump in comments this next week…)

8 thoughts on “Blogger Award”

  1. I’m such a lurker — but you really do deserve this award! It’s because of you that I updated my website and put up a blog. (I know, I know. It doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a big step for computer-illiterate me!)

    You’re the BEST LDSPublisher! Thanks for everything!

  2. Wow! Thank you! I sure wasn’t expecting an award! Golly gee! Shucks! I’m speechless! 🙂

  3. I’ve never gotten the same award twice before. 🙂 Well, two separate people have awarded me the same award, but this is the first boomerang award I’ve had. Thanks, LDSP!!

  4. Oh wow! Thank you LDS Publisher.

    I can’t believe I finally got recognized by a publisher. This is neat. Now, if I could only interest a publisher in my book, LOL.

  5. Wow! How awesome! I hope you’ll forgive my belated thanks but if you’ve been to my blog you know where I’ve been. I’m still catching up. A lot happens in blogland in one week.
    Thanks again.

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