Bound on Earth by Angela Hallstrom

Title: Bound on Earth

Author: Angela Hallstrom

Publisher: Parables (Bentley Enterprises)

Release Date: February 1, 2008

ISBN: 978-0-961-4960-9-8

Size: 6×9; 212 pages

Genre: Literary

“In this novel, Angela Hallstrom demonstrates an admirable mastery of the art of fiction. In essence, it is the history of an extended Mormon family. Composed of vignettes–some of which have been published as stories–the novel advances from the present into the future, retreats momentarily to the past, or works laterally to include nearly simultaneous episodes. The point of view shifts deftly among a widowed grandmother, her son and daughter-in-law, their three daughters and their husbands. The style is strong and functional, unerring in its cadence and nicely balanced between the formal and the colloquial.

“The subtle background to this novel is the Mormon world view, established without preaching or assumptions of superiority. But it presents a far from idealized vision of reality. By moments the members of this extended family writhe with conflict, tension, depression, self-pity, and misbehavior. The attempts of the strong willed mother to guide and intervene often disrupt rather than heal. Her husband nearly succumbs to the veiled allurement of a seductive sister in their ward. A teen aged daughter conceives a baby out of wedlock. Another daughter is distraught by the birth of a fourth son, deeply disappointed that she has not at last borne a daughter. Yet another daughter marries–and determines to stay with–a bi-polar husband who periodically lapses into abuse. Yet ultimately their underlying bond with one another–their willingness to affirm whoever claims a place among them–triumphs. Though bound on earth, this is a family that will endure in eternity.

“If there’s a lesson to be learned from this novel, it’s that the pain and endurance required to create a family are worth it. In the final vignette, the dying matriarch of the family attends the celebration of the wedding anniversary of her son and daughter-in-law. She is greatly comforted just to be there, watching while “wives turn to husbands, fathers to children, and life keeps spinning forward, loose and free as a ribbon off a spool.” In heaven, she concludes, “there will be children there, and music, and cake, and husbands and wives and daughters and sons.” That is a picture of eternity that she can accept. —Levi Peterson, author of The Backslider and editor of Dialogue magazine

7 thoughts on “Bound on Earth by Angela Hallstrom”

  1. Excellent book (aside from a couple of typographical errors and minor factual details off (BYU graduates wear black, not blue, and the like). I was very impressed with how the individual short stories came together to tell a deeper story about the entire family. I recommend it highly.

  2. I liked this book too, though I found the family unit more of an exception than the rule in LDS families. The overall message is much like the famous line of poetry by Robert Frost that says “home is where they have to take you in” that acknowledges a bond and is on the gloomy side.

  3. Loved this book (aside from the things Anon pointed out).

    To answer the contest question, TWO books are finalists in 3 areas. This one and Traitor.

  4. Trivia Tuesday 10 February. I haven’t read this book yet, but I wouldn’t mind a closer look if I ever got my hands on a copy.

  5. I read Bound on Earth over the weekend. I loved it. Each time I had to put it down, I found myself looking forward to picking it up again–curious about what would be revealed next.

    Bound on Earth is a collection of vignettes from the POV of various family members. I thought the characters shone through as unique individuals, with their own voice and personality. There is a reason why this book is up for three Whitney awards! I very much recommend it.

  6. I think this novel will win a Whitney because it comes at fiction from such a different angle. It is compelling in that all of us can relate to someone in the event as though we’re reading about pieces of our own families.

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