Master by Toni Sorenson

Title: Master*

Author: Toni Sorenson**

Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc.

Release Date: 2008


Size: Hardback

Genre: Historical

My name will mean nothing to you, but my story is a retelling of the greatest story ever told and should mean everything to everyone.

If you interpret my words as fiction and fiction only, you will miss out on truths that are both historical and spiritual. Search the scriptures. There you will find evidence of my existence recorded in ancient sacred writ, overlooked for millennia. My story comes forth now because now is the promised day when satanic doubt spreads like black ink, threatening to blot out His very name, to reduce Him to nothing more than a teacher, to erase the eternal truths He taught and lived. That cannot happen. Jesus was who He said He was. I know because I was there in the shadows of His holy footsteps. His miracles were real. I know because I am one of those miracles.

**The front of the book lists author as Toni Sorenson; online she’s listed as Toni Sorenson Brown.

One thought on “Master by Toni Sorenson”

  1. I enjoyed the first half of this book far more than the second. It begins with a well told story narrated by Almon. It’s touching, it’s wonderful, and it makes the Holy Land come alive.

    The second half felt a bit like the New Testament stories strung together with bits of narration in between–lots of scriptures quoted verbatim, one parable after another, etc.

    Also, it was difficult for the speech to feel natural when it went from very casual speech (“Peter, wipe that frown off of your face.”) to scriptural quotations put into dialogue (things like, “what sayest thou?”). I’m not sure why she felt she could make up situations for Christ but not words.

    Overall, it’s very well done. Sorenson’s a great writer. I had hoped for a little more because her Redemption Road was so amazing.

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