Edith and the Mysterious Stranger by Linda Weaver Clarke

Title: Edith and the Mysterious Stranger

Author: Linda Weaver Clarke

Publisher: American Book Publishing

Release Date: April 1, 2008

ISBN: 978-1589824690

Size: 316 pages, softcover

Genre: Historical Romance

With mysterious letters, cattle rustlers, a spunky woman, the liar’s fire, Halloween, and young love, there is always something happening. It is 1904 and Melinda is “with child” and threatening to miscarry. Her cousin Edith, a nurse, moves to Paris to care for her. Edith has wonderful qualities but never gives a man a second chance because her expectations are so high. However, all that changes when a mysterious stranger begins to write to her. For the first time, she gets to know a man’s inner soul before making any harsh judgments. Whoever he is, this man is a mystery and the best thing that has ever happened to her. The question that puzzles her is whether or not he’s as wonderful in person as he is in his letters.