Title: The Littlest Nephite
Author: Bevan Olsen
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Release Date: April, 2008
ISBN: 978-1-59955-087-9
Size: 16 pages, 11″ x 9″ Hardcover
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
Join the Littlest Nephite in this delightful adventure of following Nephi and his brothers Laman and Lemuel as they obtain the brass plates from the wicked Laban.
Cleverly written by Bevan Olsen and beautifully illustrated by Rebecca Miller, The Littlest Nephite will increase your child’s understanding of the Book of Mormon and open his heart to its truthfulness.
This book is not eligible for a Whitney Award.
Fabulous! I love the rhyming. The grandkids love it and never do we read it just one time through at a sitting. Love the little testimony at the end! Where’s the next story??
I agree with the other Anonymous…VERY CLEVER RHYMING! It is a great book and I can’t wait for the sequels! Very well done!