Angel Falling Softly by Eugene Woodbury

Title: Angel Falling Softly

Author: Eugene Woodbury

Publisher: Zarahemla Books

Release Date: July, 2008

ISBN: 978-0-9787971-6-4

Size: 224 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Speculative

(Caution: May contain objectionable content)

Over the past six months, Rachel Forsythe’s perfect life has descended from the ideal to the tragic. The younger of her two daughters is dying of cancer. Despite her standing as the wife of a respected Mormon bishop, neither God nor medical science has blessed her with a cure. Or has He?

Milada Daranyi, chief investment officer at Daranyi Enterprises International, has come to Utah to finalize the takeover of a Salt Lake City-based medical technology company. Bored with her downtown hotel accommodations, she rents a house in the Sandy suburbs.

And then the welcome wagon shows up. Her neighbors perceive her to be a beautiful, intelligent, and daunting young woman. But Rachel senses something about Milada that leads her in a completely different—and very dangerous—direction.

Rachel’s suspicions are right: Milada is homo lamia. A vampire. Fallen. And possibly the only person in the world who can save Rachel’s daughter. Uncovering Milada’s secrets, Rachel becomes convinced that, as Milton writes, “all this good of evil shall produce.”

As the two women push against every moral boundary in order to protect their families, the price of redemption will prove higher than either of them could have possibly imagined.

2 thoughts on “Angel Falling Softly by Eugene Woodbury”

  1. Quick rundown of objectional material:

    -Mild swearing.
    -Three sex scenes, one with two women, one with man and a woman, one with husband and wife. Detail in all three given in blow by blow detail until clothes come off. Then summary till afterglow.
    -Appears that God wanted Jennifer to become a vampire, which doesn’t make sense to me.

    I gave this book a 2 out of 5 stars on my full review on my blog.

  2. Writing is choppy and childish. Objectionable sex content, story doesn’t make sense in light of LDS doctrine.

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