Upon Eagle’s Light by Clover Autrey

Title: Upon Eagle’s Light

Author: Clover Autrey

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Release Date: March, 2008


Size: 5×8, softcover

Genre: Speculative

Eagles mate for life. When the eagles of Gaspar choose a mate, the Eaglekins they are each true-bonded with become mates as well. Hydeia’s eagle decides to mate at an inconvenient time. The attraction flowing between her and the Eaglekin male she is now connected to is hard to resist. But resist him she must; for she has been charged with a crucial task and isn’t about to let anyone slow her down. Ammah can’t believe his eagle has taken a mate, thereby entangling him with an Eaglekin female. He’d hardened his heart against the ways of his people long ago. Now he is faced with a stubborn woman who insists that he is her mate. But how can he walk away when the little fool is plunging headlong into danger? Worse, how will he withstand the magnetic pull drawing him to her?

7 thoughts on “Upon Eagle’s Light by Clover Autrey”

  1. This was such a fun read, full of great adventure, and a good solid story.Who says you can’t have a great adventure/romance without slutt…..I can’t wait for the next book…..v

  2. I love fantasy and I love romance and this story has both and is so creative. I enjoyed reading it very much and so did my 15 year old daughter. Thanks for writing clean yet passionate characters!

  3. I enjoy fantasy, but not all of the explicit romance situations. It was easy to follow the characters through the adventures. I recommend this book to all of my friends and family. Great book Clover! I’ll be looking for other books by this author.

  4. Clover sent me this book awhile ago, and I haven’t gotten to it yet. From all the great reviews, it looks like I need to get on my horse and read it!

  5. I’m very into Fantasy Romance and this book has passionate characters with out getting too heavy on the romance side. I have recommend it to all my friends and family including teenagers.

  6. I really enjoyed this book. It did have the romance the others cited but it also had a great story with action, adventure, and danger. I have recommended this book to friends and their daughters. Thank you Clover Autrey for writing a good book that is also “clean”. I am anxiously awaiting the next book!

  7. I also really enjoyed this book. I have recommended this book to several friends, and am planning on featuring it for my book club. I love that it was fantasy, but not a “crazy” fantasy. One that I could jump right into and think about the characters well after I finished the book.

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