Title: Stop Me (The Last Stand, vol. 2)
Author: Brenda Novak
Publisher: Mira Books
Release Date: July 1, 2008
ISBN: 978-0778324607
Size: 448 pages, softcover
Genre: Thriller
Series: Trust Me (vol. 1), Watch Me (vol. 3)
(Caution: May contain objectionable content)
Widower Romain Fornier lost his reason for living when his daughter was kidnapped and murdered. When the killer got off on a technicality, Romain used a gun to mete out his own justice. Now that he’s finally out of prison, free to return to his Cajun roots, the last thing he wants to learn is that he might’ve killed the wrong man. But that’s exactly what Jasmine Stratford of The Last Stand, whose job it is to help victims of violent crime, has come all the way from California to tell him.