Reunion by Allyson B. Condie

Title: Reunion

Author: Allyson B. Condie

Publisher: Deseret Book

Release Date: October 13, 2008

ISBN: 978-1590389898

Size: 224 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Contemporary Young Adult Romance

Series: Yearbook, First Day

The final book in the Yearbook Trilogy.

Addie Sherman isn’t popular, she’s not exuberant, and she’s not known as the class clown. She’s just Addie, a high school junior who is convinced that she has nothing in common with the rest of her outgoing family, including her brother Dave. When Dave’s wife, Avery, needs help during a difficult pregnancy, Dave calls on Addie. Addie has to hide her resentment over having to help her sister- in- law when there are plenty of things going on in her own life that need her attention.

Sam Choi is one of Addie’s best friends, and he has a few secrets of his own. He doesn’t want to go on a mission, and he’s not sure how to break the news to his parents.

Cate Giovanni is a freshman in college, and enjoying the chance to reinvent herself and leave her high school years behind. As she makes new friends and encounters new people, she also can’t help but think about someone she left behind.

Reunion, the final book in the Yearbook trilogy, is a novel about the journeys home that become possible after you’ve discovered more about yourself.

3 thoughts on “Reunion by Allyson B. Condie”

  1. I’m so glad to have found this blog. I’m LDS and write YA for the mainstream market. I’ve been published by Harper and Random House and just last week I got a fabulous book deal at Scholastic!

    I look forward to reading all these titles and keeping up with LDS authors and fiction. (I just subbed you with Bloglines so I don’t miss any posts!)

  2. Isn’t Reunion published by Deseret Book, not Covenant (same owner, I know, but different divisions)? The previous books in the series were DB.

  3. I’ve changed it to DB. Unless I have the book in my hands, it’s sometimes very difficult to discover who the publisher is. That’s why all authors should list their book’s publishers on their websites.

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