Title: Alcatraz vs the Scrivener’s Bones
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Release Date: November 1, 2008
ISBN: 978-0439925532
Size: 336 pages, Hardcover
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
The Evil Librarians are still up to their antics and it’s up to Alcatraz Smedry to put a stop to it! This second book will take Alcatraz and company on an exploration of the Library of Alexandria, which—despite Librarian rumors—was never destroyed. It is a mysterious place and everyone knows that it holds dark secrets. Can Alcatraz, with his talent for breaking things, break into this secret world? Or will the Evil Librarians once again prevail?
A lot of fun!
Fun, intriguing story. My son loved the ‘cursing’: ‘shattered glass!’
I’m in the middle of reading this now, and I’m liking it even better than the first one!
It has the same awesome humor, and now that Alcatraz has grown (he still complains, but now he’s a bit more compassionate), I like his character much better.