Love Me by Marcia Lynn McClure

Title: Love Me

Author: Marcia Lynn McClure

Publisher: Distractions Inc

Release Date: November 8, 2008

ISBN: 978-0982192122

Size: 248 pages, 5×8, softcover

Genre: Romance

She had always loved him…forever it seemed she had loved him. Yet, when so many others loved him, too—what hope did she have of owning his love in return?

Jacey Whittaker couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t loved Scott Pendleton, the boy next door. She couldn’t remember a time when Scott hadn’t been in her life, in her heart. Yet, Scott was every other girl’s dream, too. How could Jacey possibly hope to win such a prize—the attention, the affections, the very heart of such a sought after young man?

Yet, win him she did! He became the bliss of her youthful heart—at least for a time. Still, some dreams live fulfilled and some are lost. Loss changes the very soul of a being. Jacey wondered if her soul would ever rebound. Certainly, she went on, lived a happy life, if not so full and perfectly happy a life as she once lived. Yet, she feared she would never recover—never get over Scott Pendleton, her first love. Until the day a man walked into her apartment and into her heart. Would this man be the one to heal her broken heart? Would this man be her one true love?