Winners (Finally) Announced

The winners of the LDSP Comment Contest (Dec & Jan combined) are announced HERE.

I’ve also (finally) finished all the comments on the Christmas stories. Rachel Jensen, send me an e-mail with your mailing address ASAP so I can have the sponsor send your prize!

Lastly, two prizes from November’s contest were unclaimed: Reunion by Ally Condie and Three Angels for Christmas by Lori Nawyn. Leave a comment on THIS post by midnight on Friday, February 6th to be eligible to win one of them.

5 thoughts on “Winners (Finally) Announced”

  1. Both of them went unclaimed? that’s crazy. I guess I’ll take you up on the trying to re-win them then. 🙂

  2. Since I didn’t win a prize in the actual contest by acknowledged skill or reader’s choice, perhaps by luck? I hereby post my lucky comment.

  3. Thanks for leaving comments on my christmas story! I wasn’t sure if the story was good until two of my friends said they cried while reading it! 🙂 I took out a part that I think would have helped add personality to the story. I plan on tweaking it and submitting it! THANKS again!

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