Trigger by Todd Durrant

Title: Trigger

Author: Todd Durrant

Publisher: Outskirts Press

Release Date: April 29, 2009

ISBN: 978-1432711528

Size: 380 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Science Fiction

What if we could build a machine to guarantee survival…at all costs!

The survivors of a devastating mechanical invasion have used every possible resource to flee to Epsilon Eridani where humanity must start over. With unimaginable ingenuity and determination they build a new home in New Eden, a huge habitat orbiting the star. But despite the true pioneering spirit that keeps them alive, there is a growing division. Should humanity continue to spread among the stars, or launch a powerful counterattack and retake Earth from the mysterious enemy? Most important of all– would a military victory be tantamount to suicide?

Trigger is an imaginative piece of speculative history where multiple timelines are brought together to unveil a story where grand designs cause havoc on the space-time continuum. Even the best intentions of brilliant minds and the altruistic desires of rising leaders can collide and crumble into chaos when the truth is only revealed in the shadows.