Writing Tip Tuesday: Super Glue, Epoxy and Duct Tape

One of the most common laments from new writers—and even from more experienced writers who have fallen off track—is, “Where do I find the time to write?”

The answer is, you don’t FIND it. You MAKE it.

Simple as that. We all have people and responsibilities tugging us away from our computer or notebook. Whether it’s the distraction of the television or Internet, or the very real need to support a family, we’ve all got reasons not to write.

What you have to find are the reasons inside yourself TO write—that burning desire that won’t go away. Stoke it every chance you get. I guarantee that if you really, really want to write, you’ll be able to eke out a few minutes here and there to do it—even if it’s only 15 minutes a day.

It’s all about choices. Choose to write. Choose when and where. Then support your choice. Do whatever it takes to get yourself in front of your computer and stay there during your allotted time—even if it takes a little duct tape.

10 thoughts on “Writing Tip Tuesday: Super Glue, Epoxy and Duct Tape”

  1. Great advice. I use writing as my reward for getting all my chores done for the day. It’s amazing what I can get done with that little carrot in front of me.

  2. I couldn’t agree more. We all have something we’re willing to give up in exchange for something we really want – if writing is something we really want, we’ll be able to find something to give up in order to make it happen.

  3. This is probably the question I get asked the most and it is so true that you have to make the time to write. Although I sometimes do succumb to the temptation of sleeping in, I much prefer the rewards that come when I stick to my writing schedule and spend my time at the computer each morning.

  4. The trick is getting your spouse to AGREE to the “few minutes” of writing time! :0)

  5. Or you do it when the spouse isn’t home. What he doesn’t know, most often, won’t hurt him. 🙂

  6. I’ve had stories bouncing around my head for a long time, but haven’t chosen to make the time to put them to paper, so they are going to haunt me until I do.
    As for advice based upon this subject, I went to a continuing education class for attorneys about writing. An author (if you REALLY want to know I’ll have to see if I can find the info again) came from California to teach the class. He said, “Just write one stinkin’ page a day. Within a year you’ll have a book.” He went on to say that the revisions can come later–just get it one paper!!! He also said that once the book has been written, most of the editing is cutting a lot back out.
    Do you agree?

  7. I apologize about my unedited comment. “just get it one paper” should be “just get it on paper.” I’m surprised I didn’t catch it–you wouldn’t believe how often I catch mistakes in published books.

    Oh, and jasnjan? That’s what bathrooms are–secret havens for writing!

  8. Company of 5: I agree that a lot of editing is cutting, but it’s also rearranging, developing, transitioning…

    However, once you have the basics down, polishing usually goes faster and easier.

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