Critique Groups

I have a novel I have written over the last year and a half and I have gone through it and gone through it pulled stuff out rearranged it put stuff in researched topics and I want to submit it to a marketable publisher but I have not gone through a critique group yet how do I do that?

I get this question a lot. It’s sometimes difficult to start and/or find a good group.

Click HERE to read previous answers.

5 thoughts on “Critique Groups”

  1. I've found people IRL very undependable, unfortunately! I've gotten the best feedback from online writing forums. I highly recommend They have several novel review groups, and I don't think I could have critiqued my novel without them!

  2. The local library in my area (Wisconsin) has a writers' group that meets monthly. I went for the first time last month and found that most of the participants were poets–but they were still very interested in reading my work and had some background in reading and critiquing. I had a blast participating, and learned some things about poetry, too. Sometimes good resources can be found in unlikely places.

  3. If you attend a local writer's conference, you may be able to drum up a group there or put up a sign in your neighborhood bookstore. Both worked for me. I also have a small group of four from my ward that get together weekly to critique.

  4. I really miss my IRL group but six hours once a week is a bit much to drive.

    I have started an online group that just needs some people to join it and be active. If your interested check it out.


  5. I have been thinking a lot about critique groups recently. Your post was very timely, thank you for linking up your past posts as well, they have been helpful.

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