Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens

Title: Heavenly

Author: Jennifer Laurens

Publisher: Grove Creek Publishing

Release Date: August 15, 2009

ISBN: 978-1933963846

Size: 294 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: YA Romantic Fantasy

Read excerpt here.

I met someone who changed everything. Matthias. My autistic sister’s guardian angel. Honest. Inspiring. Funny. Hot. And immortal. That was the problem.

What could I do? I did what any other girl would do—I fell in love with him. Zoë’s sister darts in front of cars. Her brother’s a pothead. Her parents are so overwhelmed; they don’t see Zoë lost in her broken life. Zoë escapes the only way she knows how: partying.

Matthias, a guardian sent from Heaven, watches over Zoë’s autistic sister. After Zoë is convinced he’s legit, angel and lost girl come together in a love that changes destiny. But Heaven on Earth can’t last forever.