Couple of Things

A few housekeeping types of things for you to be aware of. . .

  1. I’ve been having a lot of trouble with Hotmail lately. I am unable to open and/or reply to some of your e-mails. Also, some of you have complained about not getting e-mails from me, when I’ve sent and re-sent them.

    I’ve set up an alternate address: ldspublisher [at] gmail [dot] com.

    I’ll probably eventually switch over to the gmail address and close the hotmail account but it will take me some time to replace all those links on my sites. So in the meantime, you can try me at either address.

  2. Did you notice I’m twittering? (Check the pink and blue at the top of the right side sidebar, below all the ads.) I decided to do this after getting a couple of invites from readers. Looks like fun.

    Don’t expect a twitter everyday, but I will be letting you know what I’m reading and a few other tidbits (as I think of them). Also, I might on the spur of the moment and totally unadvertised and unscheduled give away random prizes to those who follow me on twitter.

  3. And speaking of prizes. I might also give away some random and unadvertised prizes to those who follow my blogs. Sometimes I’ll aggregate followers from all six sites and draw for a prize. Sometimes I might just pick a follower from one of the sites. So sign up to follow each one of them.
  4. And one last prize update. Now that the Summer Reading Things is over, I’ll be going back to two sponsors a month on the LDS Fiction/LDS Fiction Review sites. I’ll give away the final four prizes (currently shown on the sidebars) the end of this month, then post two new sponsors for October.