Right Click by Susan Aylworth

Title: Right Click

Author: Susan Aylworth

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date:

ISBN: 978-1-59811-731-8

Size: 192 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Romance

On the day Sarah Kimball planned to mail out wedding invitations, her fiancé, Kyle, trampled her heart with this confession: his supposedly ex-girlfriend is pregnant, and he’s the father. Talk about shock!

Six months later, Sarah is moving forward as a successful teacher with her own home and a fabulous roommate. Her exasperating yet adoring family members are setting her up with every eligible man within reach—even virtually. Sarah thinks she has everything under control—until a few wrong clicks prove otherwise.

Searching her soul, Sarah confronts deep humiliation and anger over Kyle’s betrayal. As fierce pride claws her from within, she seeks healing through the Savior’s tender mercy. When Sarah meets Craig, who was also badly wounded by love, she finds another chance at happiness—but can both of them leave their painful pasts behind and fully embrace the freeing power of forgiveness?

*Note from LDSP: No, I have nothing to do with this book. We just happened to both choose the same artwork.

One thought on “Right Click by Susan Aylworth”

  1. This was a fun read. It was actually kind of preachy about forgiveness. I strangely enjoyed that there was something a little deeper about the story. Though the preachy part didn't seem to flow very well to me it kind of stuck out of the story. I still enjoyed it.

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