Shudder by Jennie Hansen

Title: Shudder

Author: Jennie Hansen

Publisher: Covenant

Release Date: October 1, 2009

ISBN: 978-1-59811-768-4

Size: 256 pages, 6×9, softcover

Genre: Suspense

Darcy and Clare grew up as best friends, sharing trials and triumphs from preschool through college graduation. Now they’re sharing an apartment in Boise, Idaho, where Clare just landed a great job and Darcy is pursuing a teaching certificate. There’s only one problem: Blaine, Clare’s boyfriend. His chauvinistic, know-it-all ways set Darcy’s teeth on edge. Darcy vows not to let Blaine ruin her lifelong friendship with Clare, but when Blaine insists on moving in, Darcy suddenly finds herself alone. The estranged friends forge ahead on seemingly separate paths.

Engaged to Blaine, Clare becomes trapped in ugly family politics and vicious treatment from her fiancé. Darcy finds a temporary home with Karlene, an accident victim seeking live-in help, but a twisted plot soon threatens their safety. Clare’s wedding briefly reunites her with Darcy, yet the friends have never been farther apart. And when Clare finds herself in mortal peril and finally calls on Darcy to help, it might be too late.

3 thoughts on “Shudder by Jennie Hansen”

  1. It looks like a book that would have lots of suspence and be exciting. Definantly a page turner

  2. Good reading! I enjoyed trying to figure out what was going to happen next and how it would all end!

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