Title: The Ball’s In Her Court
Author: Heather Justesen
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Release Date: October 8, 2009
ISBN: 978-1599552347
Size: 256 pages, 5.5×8.5″,softcover
Genre: Romance
Growing up in the foster care system was no picnic, but after being adopted into a loving LDS family, playing college basketball, and launching her career in the software industry, Denise Dewalt finally feels as though she s left her former life behind her. What she doesn t realize is that she must confront her past if she ever wants to move on to a brighter future.
While her search for her biological family isn t an easy one, Denise s biggest fear is that even when she finds her family, she ll have nothing to give Rich, the only man who can see past the tragedies of her childhood. This emotional and inspirational story proves that life is full of unexpected twists and turns especially when it comes to facing your demons, fighting for love, and finding happiness for the future.
This sounds like an amazing book. Something that is definantly up my alley. I read the first chapter and it seems really amazing. I love it.
Heather, please remind your publisher this one hasn't been sent to be. It looks like one I'd like to review for Meridian.
I've read The Ball's in Her Court three times now – and absolutely LOVE it! Denise and her search for her birth family is so true to life. Excellent book!