Title: Stay (Tales of Dunham, bk 2)
Author: Moriah Jovan
Publisher: B10 Mediaworx
Release Date: November 27, 2009
ISBN: 978-0-9817696-3-9
Size: 332 pages, Trade paperback
Genre: Romance
Series: The Proviso (bk 1)
Caution: This book contains mature content.
At 12, Vanessa Whittaker defied her family to save 17-year-old bad boy Eric Cipriani from wrongful imprisonment and, possibly, death. She’d hoped for a “thank you” from him, a kiss on the cheek, but before she could grow up and grow curves, he left town.
Fourteen years later, Vanessa is a celebrity chef at the five-star Ozarks resort she built. Eric is the new Chouteau County prosecutor on his way to the White House.
Four hours apart and each tied to their own careers, their worlds have no reason to intersect until a funeral brings Vanessa back to Chouteau County, back to face the man for whom she’d risked so much, the only man she ever wanted—
—the only man she can’t have.
I love the broken heart aspect of the story. It make it seem more exciting.
Just a correction: This has 332 pages, not 736.
The series name is officially "Dunham," but "The Proviso" works, too. 🙂
Thanks for the listing!